To request a change or cancellation, please email us within 24 hours of placing your order.

Please Note: Orders which have been shipped cannot be changed, canceled or price matched. Changes include but are not limited to: item color, item size, etc. Any changes to address while orders are in transit may incur administrative or rerouting fees. Flash sales and any orders that have shipped are not eligible for price matching.


Returns of new, unused, unassembled, and undamaged items will be accepted within 30 days of delivery receipt.

Returned items must be shipped at the expense of the customer via the same carrier & service by which they were delivered. Original packaging is preferred, but in the event it is no longer available, please ensure items are packaged properly to prevent damage during return transit.

Contact our Customer Service team for a return shipment authorization and warehouse address/delivery details. Please to provide a photo before the return can be authorized. This can be as simple as a picture taken on your phone – we just need a “before” image in case there is any damage to the item in transit back to us.

On the return shipping label, indicate the provided return authorization number.

A refund or store credit will be issued after receipt of returned goods received in undamaged, re-sellable condition. A 20% restocking fee may apply.


Email: info@bedsmart.ca


Please complete the replacement request form on our website.

All claims for missing or damaged parts must be submitted within 30 days of order delivery.

All claims for missing orders confirmed delivered by FedEx, must be reported within 14 days of the tracked delivery date.

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