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Customer Service


You may return any item purchased from us within 30 days for any reason. Please note that the actual outbound shipping (shipping paid by us to ship the order to you) is not refundable so this amount will be deducted from your credit once we receive your return. Also, you must ship your return items prepaid and insured. We are not responsible for shipping costs to return the items back to us.

Please keep in mind that once an order has shipped, it cannot be canceled. If you wish to cancel an order, you must cancel the order within 48 hours. If you refuse an order, it will then fall under our standard return policy, where outbound and return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund.

In order to return your item to us, please contact us either by phone or by e-mail and provide us with the order date and order number and the last name on the order. One of our associates will give you a (RA#) return authorization number and also instructions on how to return the items to us. Once you receive your RA#, please carefully pack the items and ship insured using the carrier of your choice. All returned products must be in original condition and packaging; otherwise, additional charges may be applied. Returned items are also subject to a 35% re-stocking fee as well as outbound shipping fees.

Any item that has been assembled or modified cannot be returned for any reason.

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